Building Strong Communication with Your Child

I believe y’all would agree when I say for the collective that- Communication plays a vital role in building Parent-Child relationships.

Communication is essential to any relationship, whether it is between friends, family, or romantic partners. 

Without communication, relationships cannot exist. Communication helps to build trust, understanding, and respect between individuals, and it is also the best way to express feelings, concerns, and disagreements. 

Good communication involves being open, honest, and clear with one another. It also involves listening and understanding each other’s perspectives and being willing to compromise. 

By communicating effectively, relationships can be strengthened and last for a long time.

Similarly, effective communication is essential for a strong parent-child relationship. It allows parents to create an open and honest dialogue with their children and helps to build trust and understanding. 

Communication also helps parents to understand their children’s needs, concerns, and feelings. 

Good communication also helps parents to set clear expectations and boundaries, which can help children to develop positive behavior and decision-making skills. 

Types Of Communication Styles

Basically, there are four types of communication styles that we often use in our daily lives, while going around our business.

And those four communication styles include-

Assertive Communication Style:

Assertive communication is direct, honest, and respectful. It involves expressing opinions, feelings, ideas, and thoughts in a way that does not violate the rights of others. Assertive communication is also a way to express confidence and respect for yourself and others. 

Passive Communication Style:

Passive communication is non-confrontational and indirect. It is a way of communicating that avoids expressing thoughts and feelings directly. People who communicate in a passive manner often try to please others and avoid conflict. 

Aggressive Communication Style:

Aggressive communication is intimidating and often includes threats and insults. This type of communication is intended to control or dominate another person. Aggressive communication is not productive and rarely leads to a positive outcome. 

Passive-Aggressive Communication Style:

Passive-aggressive communication is a combination of passive and aggressive communication styles. It involves expressing thoughts and feelings in an indirect and evasive way. People who communicate in this manner often do so out of fear of confrontation.

How To Communicate Positively With Your Child?

In order to communicate positively, there are a few suggestions that you can subject yourself to.

Use encouraging words

Positive words that encourage your child can go a long way. Tell them how proud you are of them when they do something right, and be sure to give them compliments.(INSERT LINK HERE_CELEBRATING YOUR KIDS CONTENT) When your child achieves something, tell them how proud you are and how well they did.

Listen to your child

When your child is trying to communicate something to you, make sure you are actively listening and responding appropriately. Give your child your full attention when they talk, and try to understand their point of view. Ask questions and provide your input in a constructive and supportive way.

Be consistent with your expectations

Make sure you are setting clear expectations and boundaries for your child.(INSERT LINK HERE_ESTABLISHING HEALTHY BOUNDARIES CONTENT) When they are met, reward them with positive reinforcement.

Spend quality time together

Quality time with your child is essential for their development. Take the time to engage in activities, talk about their day, and show them that you are there for them.

Show your child love and respect

Show your child that you love them unconditionally and respect their opinions and feelings. This will help them to feel safe and secure in your relationship. Treat your child with respect and talk to them as you would an adult.

Ideas On How To Speak To Your Kid

Here are a few ideas on where you can start to try and talk to your child in an effective way-

  1. Speak in a calm and gentle voice which is respectful and supportive.
  2. Use encouraging words like “good job”, “well done”, and “you can do it”. 
  3. Listen and acknowledge your child’s feelings. Listen carefully and try to understand your child’s thoughts, feelings, and perspectives.
  4. Give your child a chance to express their opinion. 
  5. Use positive reinforcement. 
  6. Respect your child’s decisions. 
  7. Set clear expectations and boundaries. 
  8. Praise your child’s efforts, not just the end result.  
  9. Celebrate your child’s successes, no matter how small. Acknowledge your child for their accomplishments, and successes. 
  10. Spend quality time with your child.
  11. Give your child choices whenever possible to help them develop their autonomy. 
  12. Be a role model in how you communicate, and model appropriate communication skills. 
  13. Be patient and understanding, and take the time to explain things to your child. 
  14. Avoid criticizing or belittling your child. Instead of focusing on what your child did wrong, focus on what they did right and how they can do better in the future. 
  15. Encourage your child to communicate their feelings in a positive manner. 
  16. Ask open-ended questions to help foster thoughtful conversations. 
  17. Respect your child’s privacy and be mindful of their need for personal space.
  18. Avoid negative language as in avoid using words like “never” or “always” when talking with your child, as this can be discouraging. 


Communication is an essential part of building a strong parent-child relationship. 

Communication involves both listening and speaking to one another, understanding each other’s feelings and thoughts and being able to express one’s own. 

Parents should encourage their children to talk about their feelings, openly express their thoughts and feelings, and listen and respond with empathy and set a good example by communicating their own feelings and experiences in an open and honest way. 

Encouraging children to talk about their experiences and feelings and providing them with a safe and supportive environment can help create a strong bond between parent and child.

I hope you understood a few things and take away some ideas and practice in your own life.

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